Dear FBC Musicians:

As we wrap up the summer and look to moving ahead into the fall, we’re excited to take steps forward both in our congregational worship and in the involvement of musicians in our worship gatherings. This involvement will include occasional specials & instrumentals, vocal groups for introducing the song of the month [SOM] to aid the congregation in worship, and in special programs like Christmas/Easter.

Most of you were present for the music meeting in May where we gave out cards to collect information with the goal of organizing and implementing a plan for September – December. We want to use the information you gave us to plan some involvement in the different aspects for music groups, vocalist numbers, and instrumentals. So here’s how that should look going into the fall:  

Plan for fall of 2021

SCHEDULE: We’ll be putting a loose schedule together for September and October, and then a loose schedule together for November and December. At the beginning of each month, when we have the Scripture passages and service themes, we’ll work with those musicians to apply the music to the various services.

Based on the input and feedback you gave, we’ll be calling on some of you to oversee various groups, to help with SOM groups, and to begin thinking ahead to some special services, like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

IDEAS FORUM: As you have continued feedback/ideas/song ideas, here are the best ways you can communicate:

  • Megan’s email and phone number [; 763-244-4570]

  • Remind app [or replying to any text from us that comes through the Remind org]

  • Online Form: We’re setting up a page on our website under ministries -> music that will contain a form you can fill out at any time if you have suggestions of hymns or songs to be used in any services.

Again, thank you so much for your interest in serving in this way. We are so grateful for the continued ministry through music.